Saturday, December 06, 2008

Bona Fide Blogging

Blogs are now an accepted genre of human communication. Indeed, when it comes to the written form, it is the most popular participatory mode.

I mean, every literary society in and out of academia and publishing has blogs, and often the best are those not written by professional authors or journalists. So why are bloggers not considered bona fide writers?

Maybe it's because blogging is relatively new and difficult to establish standards for. But then, what is the standard for a short story, a memoir or a novel? That it be interesting? Popular? Profitable?

Blogging can be all that. So why no recognition of the venue? Is it because bloggers came by their skills without formal education? That would hardly seem fair.

No, I think blogging is less favored because it is perceived to be less engaged--a sometimes accurate and thus forgivable prejudice. But then, do not the famous and fortunate also sometimes produce pulp for profit in between magnificent works of art?


Blogger PeterParis said...

Blogging is something from which you can learn a lot, to better understand other cultures... Communication between people is important and to blog helps!Bloggin is not only "nice photo"; it can be much more!

4:36 PM  

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