The Negro Motorist
The Negro Motorist Green-Book was published from 1936-1966 as a guide to accommodations available to Negroes traveling the highways of the United States during the Jim Crow era.
learning houses in a sea of stories
The ulterior strategy of Avaaz as the ‘Great White Hope’ in other venues, subsequently allowed this social media marketing agency to easily herd so-called progressives to line up behind the neoliberal imperial campaigns in Libya & Syria–where Avaaz literally designed and managed the PR campaign for NATO and the US–in order to present the Al Qaeda affiliate Al Nusra as the good guys in ‘white helmets’. Networked psychological warfare (Netwar) is not hard to grasp; it just isn’t discussed anywhere, making Communication: The Invisible Environment.
--excerpt from The Creation of Discursive Monoculture