Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Negro Motorist

The Negro Motorist Green-Book was published from 1936-1966 as a guide to accommodations available to Negroes traveling the highways of the United States during the Jim Crow era.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Unquestioned Faith

350 Shibboleths

The widespread unquestioned faith in 350 propaganda and the myth of 'clean energy' seems to have rendered many incapable of independent thought. Some might believe that it is a coincidence that the 350 campaigns (KXL, Divestment, and Break Free)--funded by Warren Buffett via TIDES Foundation--benefit him financially. I don't happen to be that gullible.
As for the primary thesis of the Break Free campaign, that we can become fossil free, there is no evidence whatsoever indicating that is remotely achievable without nuclear power. The fact that Bill Gates is the number one proponent of nuclear power in the world is another one of those unlikely coincidences, considering that 350s Bill McKibben is a major promoter of the New Economy that incorporates nuclear power as a UN 'sustainable development' goal.

Ozzie Zehner's Green Illusions video--that is linked to in my NWC article--seems pretty straightforward in its conclusions: 'clean energy' doesn't work, and can't work; it is a myth that is more harmful than fossil fuel. That, along with other 350 shibboleths, is sacrosanct to 350 followers, and if those go by the wayside, then the whole reason for 350 falls apart--along with the false hope and fake identities they have constructed for themselves around these fantasies.

Very few people in media or society at large follow the money, rather than swallowing whole social media, public relations, and press releases posing as news. Those who do discover that the world of make believe 350 built with money from the financial elite benefits the financial elite.

Color me shocked.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Zionists vs Human Rights

Glenn Greenwald interviews BDS co-founder Omar Barghouti about fighting Israeli apartheid in Israel, Europe and the US, and the growing racism by Zionists opposed to equal civil rights for Palestinians and to their human rights under international law.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Indict Hillary

Clinton Cash debuts at Cannes Film Festival on May 16.

Saturday, May 07, 2016

The Creation of Discursive Monoculture

The ulterior strategy of Avaaz as the ‘Great White Hope’ in other venues, subsequently allowed this social media marketing agency to easily herd so-called progressives to line up behind the neoliberal imperial campaigns in Libya & Syria–where Avaaz literally designed and managed the PR campaign for NATO and the US–in order to present the Al Qaeda affiliate Al Nusra as the good guys in ‘white helmets’. Networked psychological warfare (Netwar) is not hard to grasp; it just isn’t discussed anywhere, making Communication: The Invisible Environment.

--excerpt from The Creation of Discursive Monoculture

Sunday, May 01, 2016

Native Trauma

Peter D’Errico reports that Native suicides reflect an infection of the soul by the disease of silent despair, an unresolved grief from the civilizing of Indians by Europeans. The ongoing loss of lands, resources, and ways of life, he says, leave Native communities in a state of perpetual mourning as each new generation is born into “a world in shambles”.