In 2005, I read Soldiers of Salamis by Javier Cercas, and
was instantly blown away by his method. Technically historical fiction,
he investigates memories of a true tale combining journalistic
interviews and academic research, all while exploring the lives of those
who surround the tale. But the best part is his personal narrative of
how he went about it and his observations of the effect his inquiry had
on the participants. Simply fascinating.
When all of America's oil and gas has been exported, Bill Gates can realize his dream of a nuclear future, in which he and other oligarchs reign supreme.
Therapeutic mushrooms--such as psilocybin--help relieve anxiety and depression, that threaten the health of millions in the US. Now, thanks to clinical research at Johns Hopkins University Medical School, patients battling for their mental health have hope for relief. For people with life-threatening diseases, it's a godsend.
US Attorney General Jeff Sessions is payoff from Trump to the lowlife rednecks. Mike Pompeo to head CIA is a nod to agents of chaos it's time to Make America Great Again. Now there's talk that disgraced former CIA director David Petraeus could head the State Department.